Wednesday 23 July 2014

Putting Things Into Perspective

I must admit I'm finding it extremely difficult to scroll through social media at the moment. I understand you have the satisfaction to follow and unfollow who you choose but it seems its constantly popping up on my timeline whether I like it or not. With endless tweets and statuses consisting of 'how shit my parents are' or moaning that you can't have the newest gadget on the market, it's just atrocious considering the circumstances. I feel I'm constantly worrying about this generation due to their naivety about the world right now. With the conflict in Gaza killing 580 people, 150 of which are children along with the horrific MH17 plane crash it seriously puts things into perspective. Don't get me wrong, I understand everyone has a moan and a groan about trivial things but I seriously think we all need to wake up and realise that we're alive and have it better than most at the moment.



  1. Totally true, very wise words. I sometimes get a bit sick of the trivial shite on social media, with all the first world problems.

    Have I popped your comments cherry?!? Yay!!! Lol xx


    1. Thank you, I think its ridiculous the amount of rubbish people moan about. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of how lucky we are.

      You have indeed popped my comments cherry!! (I just need to somehow spread the word now)

      Gorgeous blog btw.
